Wednesday, July 15, 2009 5:45 AM
Yes, its been ages since i last posted. And im not gonna post much, since no one is viewing. Yeah, so last few days was sick and had high fever 39.4. Nothing much to post too, but, I get what you mean by those words, don worry, i wont bother you again, im a nuisance to you anyway. Hope you see the post.
Thursday, July 9, 2009 5:49 AM
Hehes so happy now. :D Download lots of psp games. And i just found out, that my Memory Stick is fake, no wonder my psp got problems. So now i shall continue with my games. :D
Tuesday, July 7, 2009 4:22 AM
Today was school was fine. Wilson and Jacelyn came back. :D erm, so today nothing much happened? History period Mr.Ho nvr come, so one indian relieve teacher came in. I just came back from counseling, then everyone was so silent, then we just read our history book, until take temperature, then i nvr stand she took down my name, perhaps go complain bar? So just came back from SiEn's house, bored, ZhiWei is very very very cute de lor. Borrow me his PC game, well with the casing, now open then found out got no disc. -.- So no one is viewing my blog. T.T
Monday, July 6, 2009 4:23 AM
TMD Fucking dulan now. Mdm Huang just loves to complain huh? Knn anything also wan call call call. cb. Call my house say i nvr do the 1 month holiday homework. CB i last day also nvr go school i will know what homework to do ar. Then my mother ask me do homework, i say ok, tmr do. Then ZhiWei don wan tell me got wad homework, then say tmr do with me. Then my parents wan kpkb again, " You cannot do chinese is it" CB CHINESE IS USELESS LAR. TMD got wad use sia. WO BU SHI AH TIONG. Then now say you let me angry again, i send you to Boy's Home for 3 years. YOU THINK I FCKING LOVE THIS FAMILY?! HONGAN lar. Then Father kp say you don wan go school then quit school lar. So because of this FUCKING thing called CHINESE LANGUAGE is the cause for sending me to Boys' Home, No allowance, No school. TMD
Friday, July 3, 2009 4:45 AM
Today school nth special happened. So i will just skip to the after school part. :D Saw Kiat, and they are going to the gym, so i joined them. Fun there, lose weight, then i saw XiuYu. o.0 she goes to the gym? LOL. I only saw her on the running thing, dont know how to spell. So went in at 2.30pm and booked out at 4pm :D After that we went to eat. They all ate chicken rice, only Yang and I ate BarChor mee :D eating very very happily then eat finish le, kiat say got good news. And the good news is, the weight i lost just now just came back. == SHIT! I forgot that i cannot eat such oily food. Dots. So nvm, at least this meal didnt gain me extra weight. So went to slack. Yang and i go pluck the papaya from a tree, well not quite tall, so Yang threw stones, hit, and the water started gushing out. So i tried to climb and it worked. IM THE CAVEMAN. :D Plucked out 2. ;D Threw it away, after i found out its not a papaya, i seemed to have rubber latex in it. Dots. So went to other place, and saw Rambutan, keep hitting it with stick but only dropped a few. Did not climb, scared got red ants. So just went back to sit, and saw 2 Bangalas go pluck, they just climbed, so i took some from them, the rambutan too long le lor, hard hard de. Lucky my parents didnt react anything much from the smoking case. :D Tag Replies.
|Jacelyn: Erhem, that one is a girl. |
|†AhCave†™[K]hengYuan: LOL, ok. i girl also hold my hands. :P jk |
| |
|Louis(:: Eh khengyuan , YOU still missing who ! RAWR
You wrote that yourself. | |†AhCave†™[K]hengYuan: LOL, not my ex lar, and you dunno de. |
Thursday, July 2, 2009 7:37 AM
Today bad bad bad bad day. Mok called my house le. Sian. And ytd actually wanted to post but slept, but nvm, i will post for ytd too. ;D
1/7/096am went to 768 mac meet up with edsel, fengqing, yang, yufen, yuancheng. When i reach, got no one at all, then called Yang, and saw Yufen, and others. Then they told me that Yang want me to go tongpang him to mac. >.< gek me purposely wan me to scold him. SiBei KNN . I shouted KeeSiao. And he was like so happy smiling away. Fucking Bastard. Then lessons went normally, until English Lit. Went to AVA room, then ZhiWei and I sat at the back. At last teacher say need to group ourselves in 5, to do poem project. Then we 2 not moving, until teacher said, if you are not grouping, i will group you with leftovers. So at that time, Bo Lun, ChunFei, ZW, me were left, and SiYing group need 1 more person. So does Kartini, ShiYing's, HuanFeng's. Then we saw ChunFei faster chiong to group with HuanFeng. LOL so BoLun left over, ZW and me faster chiong to girls group LOL. i join ShiYing de, and ZW Joing SiYing de, at last want sabo SiYing so he changed to Kartini's. LOL. Then quarreled with Ms.Guring too. She was taking the Mic, turning it to very loud volume, then talk until half shout shout, ear damn pain sia. Then i asked her if can don shout, i forgotten she say what, i just know its not nice, then i was about to say, she ended it with a ShutUp~. Dots. Sibei dulan, Then kept taking ZW foolscap paper and hiding it.LOL He cockeye sia, i put behind the stack of chairs, then he go touch the chair, lucky nvr saw. Then i told him it was over there, he looked under the chairs he still nvr saw. -.- So at 12 pm got brought down for statement writing, about the smoking case on Monday. Hais, i don wan say about the sabo de thing le.
2/7/09 - Do i still love you?
So today quarel with Thoo again. Forgotten to bring thermometer sia. So need go down for temperature taking. Came up, Thoo gave me my report book, and he was so happy that he finally got a chance to sabo me. He called my dad and told him that i was the LAST in the whole level.
Mok also called my house to tell my dad that i smoke. And Thoo quarell with me again. I read a school mag found under my table, then he said no book must stand, then he say my book is not allowed, then lucky got KangSian help me. :D He told him that this book is allowed by the English HOD, he suck thumb sia, well what i mean is lanlan de suck thumb, not he suck his thumb. -.- TY KangSian. :D
Then he quarelled with me again, about the declaretion form, as i ytd went write statement so i nvr get the form. So YX, Charmaine and me nvr get. Then he said the list of OUTSTANDING students. And he included YX and my name inside the list, WITHOUT charmaine. WTF sia. Then i shout at him lar, so this is what i said. " I nvr get the form leh, not nvr sign leh." He say so you is nvr hand in lar. JITAO SUCK THUMB sia me. Then he used Amirul as an example, hehe so its my turn to attack him. I say Amirul got get his form and i nvr, so don classify me with him. HAHA His face turn till very funny de. HAHA.
After school, went to Rong house slack, then went home.
Tag Replies
1 Jul 09, 04:11 Louis(:: tag †AhCave†™[K]hengYuan: LOL thx. |
perhaps im still missing you.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 4:29 AM
Hmm, so today had normal school days. And in school, nothing special happened, only something. During
Thoo's FT period, I did nothing and he gave me attitude.
YX did not hand in the form, and he was supposed to sign 2 of the same forms next time, and increasing if he still doesn't sign. And i was just sitting down, listening, not even talking. He turned to me and say, that goes the same to
KhengYuan also. I was like
WTF? I did nothing, and he carried on with his attitude. I was the first to hand in the freaking form, and he still say i
nvr hand in and scolded me for nothing. Then it before music lesson,
Ishak ran to me and ask me a riddle. "Is a Computer Mouse, male or female?" Try guessing this :D Well the Answer is Female, as under a mouse has a mouse PAD. -.- So there is a pad it is a female. .__. So anyway after Music we all wearing shoes, then as usual we just
split to 2 groups and walk back to class, then they
kena until
Ong Lai, well it means Pineapple, its a teacher. -.- So he
kaypoh and asked the other group to stop, and not allowed to go back to class until the other group comes back and gather, then they are allowed to go back to class. Then I finish wearing my shoe, i just walk down like i other class
Hahas, Fun :D He didn't stop me, and when the other group went to the staircase to gather, i was in the toilet,
LOL. So they came down and i joined into them, and walked into the class . :) So its History lesson, as usual, Ho will nag nag nag nag, and
nvr understand what he is trying to tell us. So English, i was sent to the back of the class for making sharp sounds with my mouth. dots. So after school, went home, and went to find
JieLiang and
MingYan to accompany me to the
Counseling Centre and when i reached there, JiaYing, my counsilor told me it was Thursday. Wow.. i messed up again. So will have to go back when its Thursday. Now im currently rotting, dont know want to DotA or not.. And please tag can? LOL
Tag Replies.
Louis(:: Tag
†AhCave†™[K]hengYuan: Thanks :]
xinmin: Hihihihihiihihihihihihi ~~~
†AhCave†™[K]hengYuan: .__. Hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihih~~~~